
Department of Theoretical Computer Science and Mathematical Logic

Vice-Head of Department

Petr Gregor

doc. Mgr. Petr Gregor, Ph.D.

Room S 305

Scientific Secretary

Jan Hric

RNDr. Jan Hric

Room S 302

The Department of Theoretical Computer Science and Mathematical Logic is focused on research in areas of automated planning and scheduling, constraint satisfaction, knowledge representation and reasoning, Boolean functions, robotics, data mining, machine learning, neural networks, nature-inspired computations, smart grids, and parallel and distributed computing. The research activities involve both theoretical aspects and practical applications.

The department is in close research contact with local partners as well as the international ones and is responsible for different courses for both bachelor and master students.

Academic Staff

  • Professors
  • Associate Professors
  • Assistant Professors
  • Lecturers

prof. RNDr. Roman Barták, Ph.D.

Professor | KTIML
Roman Barták
Phone 95155 4242
Room S 206
Artificial Intelligence, planning and scheduling, constraint satisfaction

prof. RNDr. Ondřej Čepek, Ph.D.

Professor | KTIML
Ondřej Čepek
Phone 95155 4246
Room S 302
Boolean functions, knowledge representation and compilation, CNF encodings

doc. Mgr. Petr Gregor, Ph.D.

Associate Professor | KTIML
Petr Gregor
Phone 95155 4140
Room S 305
Graph theory, combinatorial algorithms, hypercubes

doc. RNDr. Iveta Mrázová, CSc.

Associate Professor | KTIML
Iveta Mrázová
Phone 95155 4123
Room S 304
Neural networks, data mining

doc. Mgr. Martin Pilát, Ph.D.

Associate Professor | KTIML
Martin Pilát
Phone 95155 4243
Room S 305
Evolutionary algorithms, machine learning, multi-objective optimization, deep learning, reinforcement learning

RNDr. Jakub Bulín, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor | KTIML
Jakub Bulín
Phone 95155 4463
Room S 303

RNDr. Jiří Švancara, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor | KTIML
Jiří Švancara
Phone 95155 4313
Room S 206
Multi-agent pathfinding, artificial intelligence, SAT

RNDr. Jiří Fink, Ph.D.

Lecturer | KTIML
Jiří Fink
Phone 95155 4425
Room S 305
Combinatorial optimization, artificial intelligence, planning and scheduling

RNDr. Jan Hric

Lecturer | KTIML
External Member | Academic Senate
Jan Hric
Phone 95155 4283
Room S 302
Logic programming, functional programming, artificial intelligence

RNDr. Petr Kučera, Ph.D.

Lecturer | KTIML
Petr Kučera
Phone 95155 4138
Room S 304
SAT solvers and their applications, knowledge compilation, constraint encodings for SAT

Mgr. Vladan Majerech, Dr.

Lecturer | KTIML
Vladan Majerech
Phone 95155 4427
Room S 302
Data structures

RNDr. David Obdržálek, Ph.D.

Lecturer | KTIML
David Obdržálek
Phone 95155 2940
Rooms S 124, N 237
Mobile robotics, autonomous vehicles, Internet of Things

Mgr. Marta Vomlelová, Ph.D.

Lecturer | KTIML
Marta Vomlelová
Phone 95155 4248
Room S 303
Probabilistic graphical models, machine learning

External Members

doc. RNDr. Antonín Kučera, CSc.

External Member | KTIML
Phone 95155 4244
Room S 303
Computability, algorithmic randomness

doc. RNDr. Josef Mlček, CSc.

External Member | KTIML
Phone 95155 4249
Room S 304

Martin Plátek, CSc.

External Member | KTIML
Phone 95155 4142
Room S 206
Automata theory, mathematical linguistics, restarting automata

prof. RNDr. Milan Vlach, DrSc.

External Member | KTIML
Phone 95155 4340
Room S 303

Other Staff

Petra Novotná

Other Staff | KTIML
External Member | D3S
Petra Novotná
Phone 95155 4245
Room S 308

Charles University, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, School of Computer Science
Malostranské náměstí 25, 118 00 Praha 1, Czech Republic
VAT ID: CZ00216208

HR Award at Charles University

4EU+ Alliance