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prof. RNDr. Roman Barták, Ph.D.
Artificial Intelligence, planning and scheduling, constraint satisfaction
prof. RNDr. Tomáš Bureš, Ph.D.
Dynamic software architectures, self-adaptive systems, smart cyber-physical systems
prof. RNDr. Ondřej Čepek, Ph.D.
Boolean functions, knowledge representation and compilation, CNF encodings
prof. Mgr. Zdeněk Dvořák, Ph.D.
Graph coloring, structural and algorithmic graph theory
prof. RNDr. Jan Hajič, Dr.
Language corpora, lexicons, semantics, machine translation, natural language processing
prof. Mgr. Milan Hladík, Ph.D.
Optimization, linear algebra, interval computation
prof. Mgr. Michal Koucký, Ph.D.
Theory of computing, computational complexity, algorithms and data structures
prof. RNDr. Jan Kratochvíl, CSc.
Computer science
prof. RNDr. Martin Loebl, CSc.
Discrete mathematics, algorithms and complexity, optimization
prof. RNDr. Jaroslav Pokorný, CSc.
Database systems, query languages, data organization, NoSQL databases, Big Data, graph databases
prof. RNDr. Jiří Sgall, DrSc.
Theory of algorithms, online algorithms, approximation algorithms, scheduling, computational complexity
prof. RNDr. Tomáš Skopal, Ph.D.
Similarity search, multimedia retrieval, database systems, unstructured data
prof. RNDr. Martin Tancer, Ph.D.
Computer science
prof. Ing. Petr Tůma, Dr.
Software performance, measurement methodologies, performance engineering
prof. Dr. techn. Alexander Wilkie
prof. Ing. Zdeněk Žabokrtský, Ph.D.
Treebanks, derivational morphology, dependency syntax, language data, natural language processing
Professors Emeriti
prof. Ing. František Plášil, DrSc.
Software architectures, self-adaptive systems, formal methods
prof. RNDr. Karel Zimmermann, DrSc.
Operations research, optimization
Visiting Professors
prof. Václav Chvátal, Ph.D.
Visiting Professor | KAM
Room S 220
Associate Professors
doc. RNDr. Martin Balko, Ph.D.
Graph theory, combinatorics, Ramsey theory, combinatorial geometry
doc. RNDr. Ondřej Bojar, Ph.D.
Machine translation, meaning representation, deep learning, machine learning, multilinguality
doc. Mgr. Cyril Brom, Ph.D.
Multimedia learning, educational games, educational multimedia, computing education, educational psychology, cognitive neuropsychology
doc. Ing. Lubomír Bulej, Ph.D.
Dynamic program analysis, software performance evaluation and testing
doc. RNDr. Tomáš Dvořák, CSc.
Discrete mathematics, algorithms and data structures
doc. RNDr. Jiří Fiala, Ph.D.
Graph algorithms, computational complexity, graph classes
doc. Mgr. Petr Gregor, Ph.D.
Graph theory, combinatorial algorithms, hypercubes
doc. RNDr. Petr Hnětynka, Ph.D.
Dynamic software architectures, self-adaptive systems, smart cyber-physical systems
doc. RNDr. David Hoksza, Ph.D.
Associate Professor | KSI
Room S 202
Bioinformatics, cheminformatics, visualization
doc. RNDr. Irena Holubová, Ph.D.
NoSQL databases, multi-model databases, evolution management
doc. RNDr. Vít Jelínek, Ph.D.
Combinatorics, discrete geometry, graph theory
doc. RNDr. Martin Klazar, Dr.
Enumerative (and extremal) combinatorics, number theory
doc. RNDr. Jakub Klímek, Ph.D.
Semantic web, Linked Data, web services, web re-decentralization
doc. RNDr. Jan Kofroň, Ph.D.
Software verification, model checking
doc. Mgr. Petr Kolman, Ph.D.
Theory of algorithms, approximation algorithms, graph theory, optimization
doc. RNDr. Martin Kruliš, Ph.D.
Parallel programming and performance optimizations, web technologies, data analysis and machine learning, similarity search
doc. RNDr. Vladislav Kuboň, Ph.D.
doc. Mgr. Jan Kynčl, Ph.D.
Discrete geometry, combinatorics, graph drawing
doc. RNDr. Markéta Lopatková, Ph.D.
Computational linguistics, treebanks, dependency syntax, valency, lexical semantics
doc. RNDr. Iveta Mrázová, CSc.
Neural networks, data mining
doc. Mgr. Martin Nečaský, Ph.D.
Semantic web, Linked Data, knowledge graphs, conceptual modeling
doc. RNDr. Pavel Parízek, Ph.D.
Software verification, program analysis
doc. RNDr. Pavel Pecina, Ph.D.
Computational linguistics, natural language processing, machine translation, information retrieval, multimodality
doc. Mgr. Martin Pilát, Ph.D.
Evolutionary algorithms, machine learning, multi-objective optimization, deep learning, reinforcement learning
doc. Mgr. Robert Šámal, Ph.D.
Graph coloring, homomorphisms, nowhere-zero flows, applications of probability in combinatorics
doc. RNDr. Elena Šikudová, Ph.D.
doc. Hans Raj Tiwary, M.Sc., Ph.D.
Computer science
doc. RNDr. Pavel Töpfer, CSc.
doc. RNDr. Pavel Valtr, Dr.
Computer science, combinatorial geometry
doc. Mgr. Barbora Vidová Hladká, Ph.D.
Computational linguistics, treebanks, natural language processing
Assistant Professors
RNDr. Jakub Bulín, Ph.D.
Mgr. et Mgr. Ondřej Dušek, Ph.D.
Dialogue systems, natural language generation, chatbots, deep learning
Mgr. Pavel Hubáček, Ph.D.
Cryptography, computational complexity, theory of computation
Mgr. Tereza Klimošová, Ph.D.
Graph theory, combinatorics
RNDr. David Mareček, Ph.D.
Syntactic analysis and parsing, machine translation, multilinguality, deep neural networks, meaning representation
Irena Penev, Ph.D.
Graph theory, graph algorithms
Mgr. Ladislav Peška, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor | KSI
Room S 208
Recommender systems, preference learning, information retrieval, applied machine learning
Mgr. Tomáš Petříček, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor | D3S
Room S 204
Mgr. Martin Schmid, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor | KAM
Room S 325
RNDr. Milan Straka, Ph.D.
Deep learning, natural language processing, morphological analysis and tagging, syntactic analysis and parsing, universal dependencies
RNDr. Jiří Švancara, Ph.D.
Multi-agent pathfinding, artificial intelligence, SAT
Bc. Josef Tkadlec, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor | CSI
Mgr. Pavel Veselý, Ph.D.
RNDr. David Bednárek, Ph.D.
Compilers, high-performance computing, programming and meta-programming in C++
RNDr. Jiří Fink, Ph.D.
Combinatorial optimization, artificial intelligence, planning and scheduling
Mgr. Lenka Forstová
Recodex and Select administrator
Mgr. Jakub Gemrot, Ph.D.
Game development, game artificial intelligence, computational creativity, game design
RNDr. Jiří Hana, Ph.D.
Natural language processing, natural language generation, morphology, universal dependencies
RNDr. Tomáš Holan, Ph.D.
Programming, technology-enhanced learning, board/card games artificial intelligence
RNDr. Martin Holub, Ph.D.
Natural language processing, lexical semantics, multiword expressions, lexicons, language corpora, multilinguality
RNDr. Jan Hric
Logic programming, functional programming, artificial intelligence
RNDr. Michal Kopecký, Ph.D.
Relational databases, recommendation, semantization
RNDr. Petr Kučera, Ph.D.
SAT solvers and their applications, knowledge compilation, constraint encodings for SAT
Mgr. Martin Mareš, Ph.D.
Algorithms and data structures
RNDr. Jana Maxová, Ph.D.
RNDr. František Mráz, CSc.
Automata theory, formal languages, machine learning, bioinformatics
RNDr. David Obdržálek, Ph.D.
Mobile robotics, autonomous vehicles, Internet of Things
RNDr. Ondřej Pangrác, Ph.D.
Graph theory, graph algorithms, matroid theory
RNDr. Josef Pelikán
Computer graphics, augmented reality, virtual reality, GPU programming
RNDr. Martin Pergel, Ph.D.
Complexity theory, graphs with geometric representation, algorithms and programming
Mgr. Nino Peterek, Ph.D.
Computational linguistics, speech processing, language corpora, multilinguality, multimodality
RNDr. Martin Svoboda, Ph.D.
NoSQL databases, query languages, influence maximization, regular tree grammars, Linked Data
Mgr. Marta Vomlelová, Ph.D.
Probabilistic graphical models, machine learning
RNDr. Jakub Yaghob, Ph.D.
Parallel/distributed/high-performance computing, compilers, Big Data processing, C++ programming
RNDr. Filip Zavoral, Ph.D.
Software development, C++, distributed systems, data processing
RNDr. David Chodounský, Ph.D.
Computer science, set theory, forcing
Mgr. Jana Hamrlová, Ph.D.
doc. Ing. et Ing. David Hartman, Ph.D. et Ph.D.
Algebraic graph theory, combinatorics, complex networks, optimization, interval arithmetics
RNDr. Jaroslava Hlaváčová, Ph.D.
Morphology, morphological analysis and tagging, language corpora
Mgr. Václava Kettnerová, Ph.D.
Dependency syntax, valency, lexicons, lexical semantics, multiword expressions
PhDr. Jiří Kocián, Ph.D.
Language data, speech processing, semantics, discourse analysis, multimodality
Mgr. Veronika Kolářová, Ph.D.
Dependency syntax, treebanks, valency, lexicons, lexical semantics
Mgr. et Mgr. Marie Mikulová, Ph.D.
Computational linguistics, treebanks, morphology, syntax, tectogrammatical representation
Mgr. Tomáš Musil
Natural language processing, deep neural networks, machine learning, machine translation, meaning representation
Mgr. Anna Nedoluzhko, Ph.D.
Language corpora, lexical semantics, coreference, semantics, discourse analysis, multilinguality
Mgr. Michal Novák, Ph.D.
Computational linguistics, natural language processing, machine learning, text processing, machine translation, coreference, multilinguality
RNDr. Pavel Paták, Ph.D.
Combinatorial topology and geometry
Mgr. Lucie Poláková, Ph.D.
Discourse analysis, coreference, text processing, language corpora, lexicons
PhDr. Kateřina Rysová, Ph.D.
Computational linguistics, language corpora, discourse analysis, information structure, dependency syntax
PhDr. Magdaléna Rysová, Ph.D.
Computational linguistics, language corpora, discourse analysis, lexicons, coreference
Mgr. Jan Štěpánek, Ph.D.
Mgr. Barbora Štěpánková, Ph.D.
Researcher | UFAL
Room S 407
Morphology, syntax, lexical semantics, information structure
RNDr. Jana Straková, Ph.D.
Natural language processing, deep learning, text processing, morphological analysis and tagging, syntactic analysis and parsing, information retrieval
Mgr. Pavlína Synková, Ph.D.
Discourse analysis, morphology, syntax, lexicons, language corpora
PhDr. Zdeňka Urešová, Ph.D.
Treebanks, lexicons, lexical semantics, valency, tectogrammatical representation
Mgr. Dušan Variš, Ph.D.
Natural language processing, deep learning, machine translation
Other Staff
Mgr. Silvie Cinková, Ph.D.
Text processing, language data, searching in language corpora
RNDr. Libor Forst
Mgr. Milan Fučík
Andrew Goodall, D.Phil.
Algebraic graph theory, combinatorics, topological graph theory
Mgr. Jindřich Helcl, Ph.D.
Machine translation, deep learning, natural language processing
Ing. Martin Himmel
Technical support
Mgr. Vojtěch Horký, Ph.D.
Software performance, automated performance testing, software performance documentation
Ida Kantor, M.Sc., Ph.D.
Combinatorics, graph theory, finite structures
Mgr. Ivana Kvapilíková, Ph.D.
Machine translation, deep learning
Mgr. Jindřich Libovický, Ph.D.
Machine translation, deep learning, multimodality
Dan Lukeš
Central network services administrator
Mgr. Dominik Macháček, Ph.D.
Machine translation, deep learning
RNDr. Jiří Mírovský, Ph.D.
Discourse analysis, searching in language corpora, lexicons, treebanks
RNDr. Helena Nyklová
Computer science
Mgr. Martin Popel, Ph.D.
Machine translation, deep learning, universal dependencies, searching in language corpora, natural language processing
Mgr. Rudolf Rosa, Ph.D.
Multilinguality, text processing, morphological analysis and tagging, syntactic analysis and parsing, deep neural networks
Mgr. Pavel Semerád
Lab server administrator, AV accessories administrator
Mgr. Magda Ševčíková, Ph.D.
Computational linguistics, derivational morphology, word-formation, dependency syntax, treebanks
Mgr. Josef Šimůnek
Lab management, Windows stations administrator
Mgr. Bc. Pavel Straňák, Ph.D.
Mgr. Jindřich Vodrážka
Automated planning, knowledge modeling, robotics
doc. RNDr. Daniel Zeman, Ph.D.
Computational linguistics, language technologies, morphological analysis and tagging, syntactic analysis and parsing, morphology, dependency syntax, valency, universal dependencies, multilinguality
PhDr. Šárka Zikánová, Ph.D.
Treebanks, syntax, discourse analysis, information structure
External Members
RNDr. Ing. Vojtěch Aschenbrenner
Operating systems, computer networks, compilers, software performance
RNDr. Štěpán Balcar
Recommender systems, evolutionary algorithm
RNDr. Petr Božovský, CSc.
Neural networks
RNDr. Jakub Daniel
Software verification, program analysis
Mgr. Martin Děcký, Ph.D.
Mgr. Elif Garajová, Ph.D.
Optimization, operations research, interval computation
RNDr. Naděžda Krylová, CSc.
Computer science
doc. RNDr. Antonín Kučera, CSc.
Computability, algorithmic randomness
doc. RNDr. Josef Mlček, CSc.
Mgr. Lukáš Ondráček
External Member | KTIML
Phone 95155 4251
prof. RNDr. Petr Pančoška, CSc.
Computer science
Martin Plátek, CSc.
Automata theory, mathematical linguistics, restarting automata
Ph.D. Students
Mgr. Martin Blicha, Ph.D.
Software verification, model checking, SAT, SMT
Mgr. Miloš Chaloupka
Linked Data, SPARQL-to-SQL translation, virtual RDF databases
Adam Dingle, M.Sc.
Mgr. Ing. Kira Droganova
Computational linguistics, treebanks, language data, syntactic analysis and parsing, universal dependencies
Mgr. Ing. Robert Husák
Program analysis and verification, compilation of dynamic languages
Mgr. Filip Kliber
Programming, program analysis, compilers
Mgr. Martin Mirbauer
Computer graphics, deep learning
Mgr. Michaela Seifrtová
Computer science
Mgr. David Sychrovský
Ph.D. Student | KAM
Room S 320